Commission Page

Personal Commissions

COMMISSION STATUS: OPENBy commissioning me, you agree to the Terms of ServiceThe following prices on this page are for Personal Commissions. Prices may increase with additional details.For Commercial Commissions, please contact me to discuss the pricing.


▌Status: OPEN▢Flats/cellshading 40€ EUR▢Detailed/Cellshading/FX 50€ EUR▢Detailed Render/FX 60€ EUR


▌Status: OPEN▢Flats/cellshading 45 € EUR▢ Detailed/Cellshading/FX 60 € EUR▢Detailed Render/FX 70 € EUR


▌Status: OPEN▢Flats/cellshading 50 € EUR▢ Detailed/Cellshading/FX 70 € EUR▢Detailed Render/FX 80 € EUR


▌Status: OPEN▢Loop breathing + Hair Animation 30 € EUR▢ +Body Parts 10 € EUR▢ +FX 5 € EUR


▢Adding a Simple Background will have a cost of 20 € EUR▢Adding a Complex Background will have a cost of 30 € EUR▢Adding a extra character on the Commission will have a additional feed of the 70%
more info on Term of Service


  • Payment via Paypal only. No refunds.

  • It may take me up to 2 week to finish the commission (this might change due problems on internet or health). Unless it is a priority commission then it will be completed within the agreed deadline.

  • You cannot claim my art or designs as your own. Please be sure to credit me when posting it on other sites.

  • You will only receive the digital art file. Not the printed art

  • If you'd like your artwork to be private and not posted I will respect your decision and never posted without permission.

  • You can not use any of my art for NFT nor sell it for NFT purposes. Doing so will get you permanently banned.

  • I have the right to decline a commission request if the design is too detailed, the concept pose/idea makes me feel uncomfortable or I’m unable to draw it. I'm also allowed to modify or remove details such as complex patterns if you’re unable to give me the PNG files. If you'd like me to draw it and don’t have the files. I will charge extra for the details.

  • As an artist, I retain full rights and ownership of the commissioned artwork: posting it to my sites, making speed paints, or presenting it in my portfolios/artbooks.

  • Please keep in mind that my art is constantly evolving, so there might be slight differences between the examples and the illustration you will receive.

  • In case you lose your commission, you can contact me again and I will gladly give you the file again, anyway, I will always have a folder in my cloud with your work

Payment Process

  • Payments are accepted on EUR

  • At the approved Advanced Sketch you will have to make a payment,Full of the approved price.

  • If I’m unable to do your commission, I’ll fully refund you. Otherwise, no refunds.

  • Payment must be made by "Friends and Family"

Working progress

Commissioner will receive a draft sketch for approval. Afterward, you will get a cleaner draft for second approval. Please list all the changes when receiving these sketches. If everything is approved then I'll proceed to finish the artwork.In case of Change anything in the final process i will be more than glad to make it, if is to complicated to change i will notify and might charge for it, with a extra fee.Any missing or wrong details from my side will be fixed for free. You always receive the PNG file of your artwork along with the different versions including the background and small watermark.

What are Personal & Commercial use commissions?

Personal use means the artwork won't generate any kind of profit. Using it as wallpaper/avatar in non-profit sites (Deviantart, Toyhouse, Twitter, Instagram, etc), printing for yourself (not for selling) is personal use.Commercial use is any use that could generate income, or that solicits customers, or that directly or indirectly has to do with financial gains, such as using the artwork for your brand (marketing materials, business purposes, etc) or social media platforms that are able to gain profit (Twitch/Youtube/etc).

Priority commission

You can order a priority commission when you want to skip the waitlist and get the commissions done by a deadline. The priority fee is up to 20% of the base price.